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French statesman and author, Consul-General to the US 1780

French statesman and author, Consul-General to the US 1780. His fortunes varied during the French Revolution, at one point being elected to the Council of Elders only to be deported to Guiana by the Directory. Later appointed Minister of Finance by Napoleon, he negotiated the Louisiana Purchase which doubled the size of the United States overnight. Addressed to Robert Livingston, US Minister to France, asking him to forward a letter to future president James Monroe, who was in England at the time. Monroe and Livingston had represented the US in the negotiations over the Louisiana Purchase, while Marbois represented France. French Treasury Ministry document dated according to the French Revolutionary Calendar 30 Pluviose of the year 12 (February 20, 1804), just a few months after the Louisiana Purchase agreement was reached.A great document, mentioning both US negotiators, and signed by the French negotiator, for the most significant (and peaceful) land expansion in American history. $2100.00*

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