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Bank Book of the Winters National Bank, Dayton, Ohio, in account with Orville Wright
Orville Wright first deposit dated October 26, 1912 and the last entry dated April 4, 1918. During this period between 1912 and 1918, deposits totaled $1,253,936.54! With a total of 16 pages of entries, the largest single deposit was made on October 25, 1916 in the amount of $257,910.94. The last entry reflects a balance of $382.53 showing that the money went out as fast as it went in. "Orville Wright" is carved into the leather cover by Orville himself.
 ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949)
ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949) |
Aviation Pioneer
Orville piloted the first powered aircraft, which he developed with his brother Wilbur, at Kitty Hawk in 1903. Check of the Winters National Bank payable to Orville's long-time personal secretary Mabel Beck for $81.64. Especially bold signature, "Orville Wright." Dated June 18, 1937, and signed "Orville Wright."
 ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949)
ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949) |
Aviation Pioneer
Orville piloted the first powered aircraft, which he developed with his brother Wilbur, at Kitty Hawk in 1903. Original check of the Winters National Bank of Dayton, Ohio, payable to Aviation Magazine for $3.00. Signed by Orville Wright on November 2, 1936. Aviation was one of the early aeronautic industry magazines, published by McGraw Hill. An interesting check showing Orville's lasting professional interest in the field he helped create. An especially bold and dark signature.
 ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949)
ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949) |
Aviation Pioneer
Orville piloted the first powered aircraft, which he developed with his brother Wilbur, at Kitty Hawk in 1903. Attractive and scarce bank "Counter Check" of the Winters National Bank of Dayton, Ohio, dated April 14, 1916, payable for $100. This is a special bank check with printed "pay to myself only (endorsement waived)" payee line. Nothing on the reverse. Written entirely by Orville and signed "Orville Wright." A nice check, and far less common than those written from the Wright's own checkbooks.
 ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949)
ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949) |
Aviation Pioneer
Orville piloted the first powered aircraft, which he developed with his brother Wilbur, at Kitty Hawk in 1903. Attractive counter check of the Union Trust Bank of Dayton, Ohio, dated December 24, 1930. Payable to the "Orville Wright," signed "Orville Wright," and endorsed "Orville Wright" on the reverse! Entirely written by Orville, and signed three times by him. Rare and unique Orville Wright check, made out on Christmas Eve. Great aviation souvenir from the first pilot
 ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949)
ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949) |
Aviation pioneer
Orville piloted the first powered aircraft, which he developed with his brother Wilbur, at Kitty Hawk in 1903. Check of the City National Bank of Dayton, Ohio, payable to long-time Wright Brothers secretary Mabel Beck for $20.00. Dated December 4, 1920, and signed "Orville Wright."
 ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949)
ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1949) |
Aviation pioneer
Orville piloted the first powered aircraft, which he developed with his brother Wilbur, at Kitty Hawk in 1903. Original check of the Winters National Bank of Dayton, Ohio, payable to the Dayton Power & Light Co. for $9.11. Signed by Orville Wright on August 18, 1917. An excellent bold and dark signature. $650.00
Aviation pioneer
Orville piloted the first powered aircraft, which he developed with his brother Wilbur, at Kitty Hawk in 1903. Check of the Winters National Bank & Trust Co., payable to the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra for $25.00. Dated December 8, 1939, and boldly signed "Orville Wright." A great souvenir of Orville as patron of the (local) arts. Comes with a colorful Wright Brothers postcard suitable for framing. $575.00
Aviation pioneer
Orville piloted the first powered aircraft, which he developed with his brother Wilbur, at Kitty Hawk in 1903. Check of the Winters National Bank & Trust Co., payable to the Allison Pattern Works for $14.90. Dated January 2, 1917, and boldly signed "Orville Wright." Comes with a handsome photograph of Orville & Wilbur suitable for framing. $575.00
Aviation pioneer, first pilot
Aviation pioneer, first pilot. Orville piloted the first powered aircraft, which he developed with his brother Wilbur, at Kitty Hawk in 1903. Excellent and early check of the Winters National Bank of Dayton, Ohio, dated November 16, 1912. Payable to the Anti-Saloon League of America, one of the leading Temperance organizations and a driving force behind Prohibition, for the generous sum of $100. Entirely made out, and boldly signed, by "Orville Wright." Most Orville Wright checks are completed in another hand – this one is entirely Orville, and reinforces the personal nature of this donation to a cause that was close to his heart. $750.00.