Very hard to find commemorative portfolio compiled by the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Published in 1978, on the 75th Anniversary of the first flight, we are offering a few original, unissued copies for the 100th Anniversary this year. $45.00
• Attractive cardstock portfolio (with a map of the Kitty Hawk region on the inside) containing: • 12" by 15" Photo of the First Flight • 20-page Historical Booklet "First Flight: The Story of Wilbur and Orville Wright's Invention of the Airplane." • Reproduction of the May 1900 five-page letter from Wilbur Wright to Octave Chanute detailing his plans to build a flying machine. • Two reproductions of the Wright's calculations made on the back of scraps of wallpaper. • Seven framable copies of 8" by 10" photographs of Wright gliders and flyers. • Two photographs of the lift balance in the wind tunnel, and the airfoils tested on the balance. • Reproduction of the original 3-view drawing of the Kitty Hawk Flyer made by the Wrights on brown wrapping paper. • Reproduction of the Wright Brothers' first patent (with drawings) • Reproduction of the telegram announcing the first flight. • Reprint of the first published account of the Wrights' successful development of the airplane (from "Gleanings in Bee Culture")