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Soldier of the Revolution, third Vice-President of the United States

Soldier of the Revolution, third Vice-President of the United States, serving in the Jefferson administration. He is infamous for killing political opponent Alexander Hamilton in a duel, and for having been tried (and acquitted) for treason in a scheme allegedly involving the carving out of a personal kingdom from the Louisiana Purchase territory. A one page tall narrow folio engraved document dated Princeton, March 19, 1802 signed by 7 of College of New Jersey (now Princeton) alumni and friends which reads " We whose names are underwritten do hereby engage to pay the sums severally annexed to our names, to the Trustees of the college of New Jersey...for the purpose of rebuilding the said college, lately destroyed by Fire, and for the re-building the said College, lately destroyed by Fire, and for replacing the library and Philosophical Apparatus thereof." Below the printed part seven men have signed, dated March 19, 1802 pledging various amounts. Signed by Princeton alumnus Aaron Burr while serving as US vice-president. Also signed by US Constitution Signer Gouverneur Morris, US Senator Jonathon Mason, Revolutionary War officer Aaron Ogden and later Governor of New Jersey. Continental Congressman John E. Howard, scientist John Ewing and Jona Dayton, Revolutionary War officer, Signer of the US Constitution, Speaker of the US Congress and US Senator . Besides being a graduate himself, Burr had close ties to Princeton, as his father was the school's second president. $5500.

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